A girl may not be meant to think
            of her mouth as a smokestack
but insists are you sure we’re still
moving has a feeling
            and that feeling chuffs like a train
until delay, when sorry opens
panoramic in her body as opens up
            this track first to hauling freight.
Now calls for a telling, meaning
why did she lift the cup
            there at that moment and then
set it down in that way,
or does it mean what train
            was she waiting on when,
or more likely yes it’s been a long time
since smokestacks, etc. She lifts
            the cup or sets it down,
still nothing goes.
Still turns the train to platform.
            What starts with a mouth
and a girl thinking smokestack
won’t stay put. When we say about
            the cup we’re never sure
it could mean we’re waiting
to be a part of something
            moving. If not by smokestack then
to be made a girl, to be made
to fashion something
            about mouths or locomotives
more accurately is a way,
if old, of going forward. If
            for chuff. If to make seeable
how this heading somewhere used to go.