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Marshall Steinbaum

Marshall Steinbaum is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Utah and Senior Fellow in Higher Education Finance at the Jain Family Institute.


Why the left’s turn from higher education has coincided with a newfound conservative appreciation for it.

Marshall Steinbaum

Inequality, he shows, is not our destiny; it is our choice.

Marshall Steinbaum

The hostile reaction to Binyamin Appelbaum's new book reveals the tensions within the economics profession over some of its most self-serving myths.

Marshall Steinbaum

On Marx’s two-hundredth birthday, capitalism’s ideology looks shakier than it has in a while.

Marshall Steinbaum

When college is a prerequisite for getting a job that pays better than minimum wage, we cannot stop until it is free and accessible to all.

Marshall Steinbaum

The University of Virginia has long been a bastion of white supremacy and white supremacy–validating scholarship.

Marshall Steinbaum

Capital in the Twenty-First Century raised important questions about inequality that the Ivory Tower would rather ignore.

Marshall Steinbaum

Two new books argue that the student debt crisis is a media myth. But they ignore the exploitation of disadvantaged students by for-profit colleges.

Marshall Steinbaum

Plutocracy, not global competition, harms the middle class.

Marshall Steinbaum

Off-shoring, tax havens, and other scourges of globalization.

Marshall Steinbaum

Forum Responses

The dead weight of decades of bad economics remains.
Marshall Steinbaum

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