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Ruy Teixeira

Ruy Teixeira is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. His most recent book is The Optimistic Leftist: Why the 21st Century Will Be Better Than You Think.


Forum Responses

The left cannot ignore strong conservatism on social issues.
Ruy Teixeira
Tax the Rich It is difficult to find fault with David Grusky’s contention that taxing the rich is not sufficient to remedy inequality. I applaud his call to expand the range of...
Ruy Teixeira
Robert Pollin convincingly demonstrates that full employment has huge social benefits and can plausibly be attained and maintained by sound policymaking. And he rightly ends his essay with a question: is there...
Ruy Teixeira
To put it mildly, I don’t agree with Perlstein’s essay. Indeed, I hardly know where to start disagreeing. But start I must. So let’s consider the question of party identification. Contrary to...
Ruy Teixeira
The left has always had a problem with human nature. If not positing an intrinsically altruistic human nature, the left has reassumed a blank slate upon which to inscribe cooperative, work-for-the-common-good values....
Ruy Teixeira

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