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Richard M. Stallman

Richard M. Stallman is President of the Free Software Foundation and author of Free Software, Free Society.


How programs like Google Docs rob users of their freedom.

Richard M. Stallman
Why I switched to the One Laptop Per Chhild —and why I dropped it
Richard M. Stallman

Forum Responses

We need collective action, not individual self-protection.
Richard M. Stallman
I fully agree with Jonathan Zittrain’s conclusion that we should not abandon general-purpose computers. Alas, I disagree completely with the path that led him there. He presents serious security problems as an...
Richard M. Stallman
Tthorough discussion of enclosure must consider the international institutions that impose it. The International Monetary Fund is a well-known example; its “rescue” agreements attack the intellectual commons through “user fees” for public...
Richard M. Stallman

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