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Articles in Race tagged with 2020 Uprisings

David Hogg and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz discuss replacement theory, the gunman’s manifesto, and how we organize against violent white supremacy.

David Hogg, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

The militarization of gun culture in the United States reflects an increasingly energetic defense of white rule.

Chad Kautzer

Imagining a more just society.

Derecka Purnell

Derecka Purnell interviews historian Elizabeth Hinton about her new book and how talk of “riots” discredits Black political demands.

Derecka Purnell, Elizabeth Hinton

A culture of protest takes hold in 1960s LA.

Robin D. G. Kelley

Talk of American freedom has long been connected to the presumed right of whites to dominate everyone else.

Jefferson Cowie

A transcript of our panel discussion on the Black Lives Matter movement. 

Cornel West, Brandon M. Terry, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Robin D. G. Kelley, Elizabeth Hinton
Policing is not the only kind of state violence. In the mid-twentieth century, city governments, backed by federal money, demolished hundreds of Black neighborhoods in the name of urban renewal.
Brent Cebul

The McCloskeys are also only a symptom of how racism is served by private property.

Walter Johnson

In many states, legal regimes sanction the predictable murder of innocent black men. Justice will not be served until the law changes.

Joseph Margulies

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