I have learned to be still
I have learned that I don’t have to go anywhere
to find the center of the universe
Anything can be that center
From any point, any speck, any dust mite
I can widen
what that speck includes
what that speck is willing
to embrace
what that speck can be the center of
until everything that is possible to get to
is included in the circle
so I have learned to be still
to let everything pass through me
as sieve
as net
that manages to catch
awareness of what passes through
me as I pass through them
in an exchange of tiny ropes of essences
(so I can wear necklaces everywhere, protein loops)
There is a claiming of me by what passes through
and the part of me passed through
are claimed by parts of what passes through
that touch it
so these point by point embraces
together make up realities
and can be put together in any order
to form one big remarkable thing
as what passes through me
passes through what passes through
everything else
in every form of reality
that is possible to make
from any locations possible
in any reality that is possible
including realities
made in imagination
for so much passes through
the mind
—O see, O hear, O touch how things connect—
Because of what’s possible
Because of all the hands
all the specks –which can be any shape
made of any substance
which can be any form—
Because of all the hands
all the specks touching in the exchanges
and groping their way
Because of all the hands involved
in shuffling pieces of maybe unlimited numbers
of flexible realities
& because of how easy it is to connect dots
one day red might arrive
some planes and geometries might meet
an event of red dress might happen
for dress is not always red
red happens to dress
red dress is an event
red might slip by dress
when they are on paths that do not cross
somewhere for some length of time
I do not put on a red dress
It is something outside of wardrobes
acceptable for me
some of what I do
some of what I believe and practice
could be questioned
if I put on a red dress
but if I am still
an event of red dress might happen
if I do not move from this spot
so that specks of both red
and dress
can find me
then there will be
—while they pass through—