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Tag: Health

As policymakers debate the right response to COVID-19, they must take seriously the harms of pandemic policies, not just their benefits.
John P. A. Ioannidis

With few restrictions and no tracing of the disease’s spread, the government is relying upon Swedish character and traditions to see it through the pandemic.

Adele Lebano

COVID-19 has revealed a contest between two competing philosophies of scientific knowledge. To manage the crisis, we must draw on both.

Jonathan Fuller
Boston Review talks with Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton about COVID-19, the relationship between culture, financial hardship, and health, and why capitalism’s flaws are proving fatal for America’s working class. 
Angus Deaton, Joshua Cohen

Any attempt to revive solidarity between rich and poor nations must begin by recapturing the commitment to social and economic rights on which the WHO was founded.

Michael Franczak, Michael Brenes

St. Louis is a microcosm of American structural racism.

Jamala Rogers, Jason Q. Purnell, Walter Johnson, Colin Gordon

The right response to COVID-19 is to rebuild our economy from the ground up, putting people to work in a massive jobs program to secure the public health of all.

Amy Kapczynski, Gregg Gonsalves

The Florentine humanist’s description of the Black Death in the Decameron remains one of the most thoughtful accounts of a society living under a pandemic.

A doctor's case against COVID-19 abortion bans. 

Daniel Grossman
Mortality rates typically fall during economic downturns. But the unprecedented features of the COVID-19 shutdown suggest that trend might not hold this time.
Lucie Kalousova, Sarah Burgard

Some have praised China's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but its suppression of information helped cause the problem in the first place.

Yasheng Huang
Early advocates thought it could provide equal access to high-quality care. But private investment has increasingly crowded out public service.
Jeremy A. Greene

We should be wary of simplistic uses of history, but we can learn from the logic of social responses.

Alex de Waal
In addition to masks and ventilators, doctors demand a fundamental transformation of our health care system.
Adam Gaffney

The United States has never understood the connection between community and personal well-being.

Michael Bronski

Claims that the cure is worse than the disease rely on a false tradeoff between human needs and the economy.

Amy Kapczynski, Gregg Gonsalves

Decades of neoliberal austerity will make it harder to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. We must rebuild our social safety net and forge a New Deal for public health.

Gregg Gonsalves, Amy Kapczynski
By using a variety of ploys to manufacture doubt, a whole industry of science-for-hire experts helps corporations put profits over public health and safety.
David Michaels
In place of the hype over personalized medicine, we need a more sober evaluation of the meaning of health and health care.
Robert A. Aronowitz

Atul Gawande helped popularize the idea that health care spending is high because we use too much medicine. He was wrong: it’s the prices, and who pays them.

Adam Gaffney
Harm reduction strategies have their roots in 1980s HIV activism, but they are starting to spread in rural America in response to the opioid crisis.
Lesly-Marie Buer
State policies shaped by white supremacy increase mortality rates in much the same way as other manmade health risks, such as pollution.
Jonathan M. Metzl
Debate over Title IX affirmative consent standards has assumed that consent is the best basis for a feminist sexual politics. But what if it isn’t?
Joseph J. Fischel

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