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Tag: Iraq

How the militarization of politics continues to destabilize Iraq decades after the U.S.-led invasion.

Simona Foltyn

The legacy of September 11 continues to normalize state-sanctioned barbarity.

Joseph Margulies
Settling the Cinematic Torture Debate
Alan A. Stone


Any story of war is a story of elites preying on the weak, the gullible, the marginal, the poor.

Chris Hedges
An Interview with Rajiv Chandrasekaran
David V. Johnson


History shows that forcing rulers from power rarely works. Even apparently successful regime changes often leads to bitter civil war.

Alexander B. Downes

The war’s human toll.

Nir Rosen

What changed in Iraq.

Nir Rosen

The Iraq War spreads.

Nir Rosen

Little relief in sight for millions of displaced Iraqis.

Nir Rosen

The Middle East and global arms control.

Hans Blix

Iraq's descent into chaos.

Nir Rosen
The roots of sectarian violence.
Nir Rosen


The war as it has evolved badly serves U.S. interests. A well-planned disengagement will serve them much better by reducing military, economic, and political costs.

Barry R. Posen
Bad intelligence and the loss of public trust.
Hugh Gusterson


A grand new strategy for American foreign policy.

Stephen M. Walt
Why the insurgency won't go away.
Ahmed S. Hashim

On the history of America's would-be allies.

Juan Cole
The dangerous mix of economic and military goals in Iraq.
Duncan Kennedy

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