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Tag: Labor

Our long-term goal must go well beyond the Senate bill to build a more resilient economy.
Felicia Wong, Mike Konczal
We must act now to support families and businesses. Greatly expanding U.S. unemployment insurance is an obvious way to go—in part because the system is already up and running.
Arindrajit Dube

Debt’s ubiq­uity is a burden, but also an opportunity.

Hannah Appel

They can give up free-market orthodoxy, but still can’t bring themselves to embrace labor.

Suresh Naidu


It's time to rewrite the narrative of “Trump Country.” Rural places weren't always red, and many are turning increasingly blue.

Elizabeth Catte


How new approaches to worker organizing are finding success.

Joseph A. McCartin, Stephen Lerner, Sarita Gupta
Tech companies have seen waves of worker protest, but they are still far from democratic. The remedy is to build and exert real forms of worker power inside the workplace.
Brishen Rogers

Traditional worker organizing has failed on every level. But new approaches are finding success, pointing the way to a more just future.

Joseph A. McCartin, Stephen Lerner, Sarita Gupta
Under capitalism, you don’t have to love your job to want to keep it.
Molly Smith, Juno Mac

The Marxist-environmental historian Mike Davis has produced a rich corpus critical of capitalism.

Troy Vettese

FDR’s labor secretary had a vision for forward-looking labor and employment policy.

Thomas A. Kochan
Apple—now worth a trillion dollars—redistributes more wealth upward than any country or corporation on the planet.
Robert Homan
By “dangling the carrot” to improve worker productivity, businesses are taking a page from slavery’s playbook.
Caitlin C. Rosenthal

The left has not articulated an alternative trade agenda that supports all the world’s workers in a global economy.

Erik Loomis

Three simple changes to corporate law could radically remake our economy.

Lenore Palladino

When philosophy tries to reclaim Marx, the duty to interpret comes before the duty to change. 

Bruce Robbins
The Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling continues a terrible trend of valuing businesses more than employees and customers.
Lawrence B. Glickman

The problem of employer power runs much deeper than monopsony.

Brishen Rogers

The public has paid for Musk’s vision. So why is the green economy still not here?

Andrew Elrod
Stock buybacks are on the rise, and they are shortchanging workers and undermining our economy like never before.
Lenore Palladino

The philosopher Herbert Marcuse saw machines as our greatest hope for real liberty. But in Trump’s America, automation feels more totalitarian than ever. 

David Moscrop

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