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The recent electoral success of a party with Nazi origins must be understood as part of the long history of white Swedes’ desire for racial homogeneity.
Rather than seeking to quash “populism,” we should broaden our vision of politics and make democracies more responsive to citizens.
Narendra Modi’s government has used lockdown to force further neoliberalization and continue its assault on pro-democracy activists.
A political appeal to “the people” is a central element of democratic societies. Can we imagine a revitalized, multiracial populist politics today?
Germany’s official policy of shame about its past is a model the United States should adopt. But it won’t protect either country from far-right extremism.
Far-right leaders often call for one nation united under one language. They have also always been good at using translation to spread their politics.
The political philosophy embraced by Germany’s leading party helped reunite Europe after World War II. Can it guide us safely away from today’s populism—or did it cause it?
Combating fascist language is harder than just deleting offending terms. Can we find a creative solution that serves today’s needs?
The charge of populism says at least as much about those making it as it does about their opponents.
Joshua Cohen talks to David Runciman about his book How Democracy Ends.
A ‘dangerous’ populist will likely be elected president this weekend—and he may be just what the country needs.
We can’t fully appreciate the current anti-immigration moment without understanding the decades-long investment by right-wing movement politics.
In the Turkish government’s rush to root out conspirators, the threshold for guilt is low.
Erdogan is all too easily labelled a populist. But the reasons for his popularity are more complicated.
An open letter from a Filipino writer to his fellow citizens.
The very forces that sustain populist politics could eventually undermine populism.
The history of Latin America is littered with failed experiments in populism.
Here's the real reason the GOP made peace with Trump.
Trump shows us that populism is not the same as legitimate protest—or democracy.
Repeatedly in U.S. history, liebralism and populism have defined themselves by rhetorical rejection of the other.
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