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Tag: State of the Nation

Lee Drutman
Marisa Abrajano, Zoltan Hajnal

The "independent" expenditures in the midterm elections are record-breaking 

Andrew Mayersohn
Global warmning doesn’t register highly among Americans’ environmental concerns. 
Stephen Ansolabehere, David M. Konisky

How efforts to increase voter turnout exacerbate inequality.

Anthony Fowler

We assume executives are paid to perform. But what are they really compensated for?

Sam Pizzigati

Looking ahead to the 2014 midterm elections.

John Sides, Michael Tesler
Who are you in the eyes of the ACA?
Deborah Stone

Today’s high unemployment isn’t a result of a lack of skilled labor but rather a slow recovery.

Paul Osterman, Andrew Weaver

In the last decade, the earnings of older workers have increased significantly, which may reduce some of the pain of cuts to the social safety net.

Gary Burtless

Sequestration won’t gut the military

Cindy Williams
Latinos are a growing portion of the population, with an increasing capacity to swing outcomes at the ballot box.
Tanya Golash-Boza
The decline in turnout from 2008 to 2012 is a puzzle.
Stephen Ansolabehere
Wenonah Hauter
Kendra Bischoff, Sean F. Reardon
When it comes to global warming, the public has consistently manifested one strikingly widespread misperception.
Jon Krosnick, Ariel Malka, David Scott Yeager
— and what for.
Stephen Ansolabehere
Is the Constitution a "living document"?
Stephen Ansolabehere
What percentage of Americans know someone who is gay? 
Stephen Ansolabehere
The impact of the Iraq war on republican voting preferences. 
Stephen Ansolabehere
What do you most want congress to do to balance the budget? 
Stephen Ansolabehere

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