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Tag: Disability

Sunaura Taylor on what the environmental and disability movements can learn from one another.

Sunaura Taylor, Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow


The movement has made important progress, but focusing on rights and representation leaves too many behind.

Robert Chapman

My son’s violent illness humbled my sense of control and transformed my understanding of what it means to parent.

Essiah Ritchie

The tone of exhausted pragmatism—even among friends of the program—is counterproductive. It is beyond time to fight fire with fire.

James G. Chappel

Robin D. G. Kelley published his pathbreaking history of the Black radical imagination in 2002. Where are we two decades later?

Robin D. G. Kelley

Decades of biological research haven't improved diagnosis or treatment. We should look to society, not to the brain.

Marco Ramos

Narrative medicine claims to champion the experience of patients—but it does so by requiring that the sick “earn” their care by telling a redemptive tale about what is wrong with them.

Brian Teare

The Judge Rotenberg Center, a Massachusetts school, still uses electric shock therapy to punish disabled students. How can an entire field of mental health accept this?

John Summers

More than half of disabled people experience long-term poverty, increasing the chances of violent police encounters.

Derecka Purnell

Struggles for Medicare for All and a Green New Deal are two sides of the same coin.

Sunaura Taylor

What does solidarity look like when our bodies cannot come together, in public, to agitate for a better world?

Judith Levine

The democratic value of dignity.

Nick Bromell

A conversation with Adam Feinstein.

Jessica Sequeira


How greater economic equality would promote public health.

Norman Daniels, Bruce Kennedy, and Ichiro Kawachi

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