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Tag: Elections

New theories of voting behavior explain bad outcomes, but are they convincing?

Niko Kolodny

Here's the real reason the GOP made peace with Trump.

William E. Scheuerman

Five signs of a totalitarian regime.

Christopher Lebron

A reckless foreign policy could bring ruin at home and abroad.

Jonathan Kirshner

The Clinton-Sanders conflict reveals the contentious history of the Democratic Party—and holds the key to its future.

Doug Rossinow

The Electoral College once served an urgent political purpose. The time has now come to abolish it.

Kenneth A. Taylor

The crisis of liberal capitalism has arrived, bringing us to the brink of total global war.

Alex de Waal
Where Trump whipped up faith in authoritarianism, Sanders revived hope in collective action. Sustaining that vision of social progress is the central task of the left today.
Ronald Aronson


A pluralistic democracy is built on debate, disagreement, and wakeful action. This forum begins the conversation.

Joshua Cohen

Voter ID laws burden minorities, but discrimination starts well before they reach the voting booth.

Ariel White

She is the first major politician to support abortion without qualification. And she has never polled better with millennials.

Judith Levine

Trump shows us that populism is not the same as legitimate protest—or democracy.

Jan-Werner Müller

Trump may have just been running off at the mouth, but policy experts agree he’s not entirely wrong about our dysfunctional relationship with NATO.

Simon Waxman


Moralistic or not, misogyny is not about hating women. It is about controlling them.

Kate Manne

European analogies abound, but Trump is homegrown.

Cas Mudde

Trump will have done real damage even if he doesn't win.

Jonathan Kirshner

New leaks prove the impeachment is intended to protect corrupt politicians.

Gianpaolo Baiocchi
With Bernie Sanders’s campaign reeling, what’s next for progressive activists?
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Donald Trump’s backers force the United States to confront its long-submerged id.

Simon Waxman

Spiritual warfare on the campaign trail.

Laura Premack

He thrives on his opponents’ outrage.

Sam Rosen

The Front National is not in government, but it’s still making gains.

Arthur Goldhammer

Nigeria's recent election encouraged alliances among Muslims and Christians.

Laura Premack
Why don't Democratic efforts in state and local politics stick?
Andrew Mayersohn

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