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The recent electoral success of a party with Nazi origins must be understood as part of the long history of white Swedes’ desire for racial homogeneity.
Far from a metaphysical battle between fanaticism and tolerance, the Rushdie affair exemplifies the marketization of hurt sentiments.
The lawless—and ongoing—administration of the prison underwrites the broader democratic crisis we face today.
Drone attacks and U.S. involvement in Pakistan.
A proposed French bill says so. But, strictly speaking, there can be no such thing as blasphemy within the terms of secular public order.
We need a more just conception of citizenship—one that abolishes the distinction between “natural” and naturalized citizens.
Under the guise of fighting hate speech, the ADL has a long history of wielding its moral authority to attack Arabs, blacks, and queers.
For too long we have acquiesced to Islamophobic government policies. The cost of our silence is now clear.
Islamophobia is a shared project of the Democrat and Republican parties, long preceding the rise of white nationalism and Trump.
France's own political traditions can accommodate visible Islam and heal social divisions.
Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment has cost the United States and the West a number of business opportunities.
Exaggerated fears about Muslims misread history and misunderstand multiculturalism’s aims.
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