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Class & Inequality

Tax breaks for investors don’t help poor communities.

Timothy Weaver

Workers will benefit from technology when they control how it’s used.

Brishen Rogers

Financial Times commentator Martin Wolf says “it's the economy, stupid.” The truth is more complicated.

Pranab Bardhan

For years the left has rallied around taxing the 1 percent, but this group is too narrow.

Alex Raskolnikov

Contemporary life has been deeply molded by financialization. But the speculative imagination can also be a tool for building a more just world.

Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou

The tone of exhausted pragmatism—even among friends of the program—is counterproductive. It is beyond time to fight fire with fire.

James Chappel

Two new books critique poverty capital, but they don’t ask what borrowers need. 

Kevin P. Donovan

Institutional reform is no match for pervasive structural inequality.

Christopher Newfield

In place of public-private partnerships, we should revive the Pan-African ambitions of the green developmental state.

Daniela Gabor, Ndongo Samba Sylla

Historian Gerald Horne has developed a grand theory of U.S. history as a series of devastating backlashes to progress—right down to the present day.

David Waldstreicher

Both regulators and employers have embraced new technologies for on-the-job monitoring, turning a blind eye to unjust working conditions.

Karen Levy

The vast hinterlands of the Global South’s cities are generating new solidarities and ideas of what counts as a life worth living.

AbdouMaliq Simone

Protests in China are shining a light not only on the country’s draconian population management but restrictions on workers everywhere.

Eli Friedman

Robin D. G. Kelley on the midterm elections.

Robin D. G. Kelley, Deborah Chasman
Boston Review
We can put an end to unjust debts by embracing public goods.

The late author of Nickel and Dimed played a major role in women’s liberation and U.S. socialism.

Lynne Segal

What if “post-growth living” could be an opportunity for greater pleasure, not less?

Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen
Ben Schacht
A reading list for Labor Day 2022.

And what today’s organizers can learn from them.

Charisse Burden-Stelly, Jodi Dean

The Federal Reserve's bid to "get wages down" reflects the enduring hold of neoliberal thought at the highest levels of economic policymaking.

Martijn Konings

His new book cuts through economic orthodoxy on central banking. But he fails to reckon deeply with its political consequences.

Jonathan Kirshner

Twenty-five years of neoliberal political economy are to blame for today's regime of surveillance advertising, and only public policy can undo it.

Matthew Crain

Robin D. G. Kelley published his pathbreaking history of the Black radical imagination in 2002. Where are we two decades later?

Robin D. G. Kelley

To escape the imperial legacies of the IMF and World Bank, we need a radical new vision for global economic governance.

Jamie Martin

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